Tuesday, March 31, 2009

F this weather.

How does Chicago weather become successively worse and worse every year that goes by? I need to "manifest my destiny" (as Andy put it) and move out west. It also seems like there is a shitton more to photograph out there. Too bad I'd have to wake up at like 3am to go to work. Why can't NYC or Chicago be 60 degrees year round.

On another note, how do people come up with so much crap to write in their blogs every day? Are their lives so interesting that they can write endlessly about a normal workday? Or maybe my life just that much less interesting. Totally legit quesiton - not self loathing - I am far too awesome for that.

Well, at least I have pictures to fill the dead space!

Looks like this is turning into a picture blog.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Recently got a DSLR and am currently attemping to learn how to use it. I hope I don't flake out on this "hobby" like some others. Meanwhile, this is Oscar - I did some post-production work in Lightroom, but the picture on here looks a lot different than the one on my computer; for some reason, it looks cooler on blogger...like the white balance is off - I think I'm goin colorblind.

...and that's King Oscar to you.

One more for the road since this is my first day posting...

Oscar as underwear model sans underwear.

New Beginnings

This blog is an attempt to motivate myself to do more in life. After entering the workforce, I feel like there is an extreme force pushing a person towards the complacency. Wake up, go to work, come home, eat, work out, TV, sleep. Rinse and repeat. Since my new years resolution was to be a do'er, i'm attempting to pre-empt that this year. Here, I will be posting my thoughts and maybe some photos.

Bruem is a word that a past friend of mine invented in high school to describe a sort of perfection, an ideal state that was the goal of life. I thought it was a particularly fitting name because of the objective of this site as well as the fact that I often regret not having kept close with this particular friend.

Anyway, I am hopeful that this project will keep me on track, or more fittingly, off the track of becoming a corporate zombie.