Monday, March 30, 2009

New Beginnings

This blog is an attempt to motivate myself to do more in life. After entering the workforce, I feel like there is an extreme force pushing a person towards the complacency. Wake up, go to work, come home, eat, work out, TV, sleep. Rinse and repeat. Since my new years resolution was to be a do'er, i'm attempting to pre-empt that this year. Here, I will be posting my thoughts and maybe some photos.

Bruem is a word that a past friend of mine invented in high school to describe a sort of perfection, an ideal state that was the goal of life. I thought it was a particularly fitting name because of the objective of this site as well as the fact that I often regret not having kept close with this particular friend.

Anyway, I am hopeful that this project will keep me on track, or more fittingly, off the track of becoming a corporate zombie.

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